Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How About Alittle Bit Of I Told You So.... Scarecrow...

So afew months back, on the first day of filming for Captain America: The First Avenger, pictures of the stunt double for film star Chris Evans, wearing the stunt padding and safety gear and driving the stunt cycle quickly spread across the internet, much to the destine of the fans, who despite being told many times over that it was a stunt suit and stunt rider, and that it was only use for long distance far off shots, which means on film it won't look fat at all, the internet, as they always do, never listen and almost instantly damned the film, claiming that was Evans on the bike and declaring they'll never spend their money to go see the film.

Yes, you read that right, the general population, even though it clearly states the pictures were of a stunt driver, and even with many film industry people (myself included btw) stating on many boards and news blogs, that they were infact NOT the film's star and you wouldn't even notice in the real film, failed to read any of the facts stated, failed to understand it wasn't the star but his beefy by means of safety gear vesuvian doppleganger, and on the first day of filming, decided to instead of being excited, trash the film and decree that it will bomb and never be worth going to se. Yes, on the first day of filming.

Isn't that insane?

Anyway, I mention this because today, today is a great day, today, the first photos released from the upcoming Entertainment Weekly issues highlighting the film and giving the world a first look at all things there in, have hit the internet, I'll post afew below, but what makes the fact these are excellent pictures even better is the fact that I can flat out say, once again, the following statement...

Attention Internet, I told you to chill and let things get made before you declare them unworthy, but you never listen, now that proof of what I, and many others have said right along comes out, and all of you are raving about it like you were on board all the long, I take great joy in saying this... Suck it playahaters.

Face fact, if you've been following the marvel movies and all that is in them, Captain America is gonna kick you right in the jorblox repeatedly till you can't remember any other feeling except for pain. And unlike most of you, I was onboard from the start... so meh.

And with my small moment of bragging out of the way, I give you afew of the photos from the set... Click them for the high rez version....

and for the ladies, alittle something just for you....

And now that my fanboy moment is over, back to getting ready for my review of The Walking Dead...



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