Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Look at the V Reboot

So with all the flurry and fury over the four networks here in the states putting out there fall line ups this week, there is abit of a buzz around ABC's reboot of the classicly cheesy 1980s sci fi action soap V. Oh sure the plot was kind of thin back then, alien lizards come to earth wearing pretty people suits, they come to steal our water and enslave us all, you know, like all aliens want to do, but still, for retro through back cheese, V was awesome. And thats why I'm so excited about this reboot they're doing. Is it gonna last long? I don't know, it probably won't go more then the first run's episode and a half or so, but i'm ok with that, because in this era of rebooting, its good to see some good old fashion camp get back up in the saddle... anyway here are the clips...



  1. "...to steal our water and enslave us all, you know, like all aliens want to do..." <- hehe, loved this!!

  2. hehe.. thanks, i figured I'd have some fun with it.
